Spring Performance Announcements


Solo Barbat and Handpan performances.

**Sara’s performance honors the traditions of Persian Radif. We will embark on a musical journey of both ancient structure and living passion, where melodic hues paint stepping stones to musical interludes. Injections of rhythm will set the stage for poetry of sweet longing and passionate love. And back again we shall swing to heavenly melodies icing the sky with outlines of starlight. This event is for the musical dervish with a drunkard’s intent on getting frisky with the Divine.

** Sam Eldred is a multi-instrumentalist with a background predominantly in percussion. In 2017 he began playing Handpan, a new instrument inspired by the PANArt Hang that came out of Switzerland in 2000. His ethereal compositions weave melodic phrases and percussive beats to take listeners on an exploration of sound and space from the head to the heart.

April 27th , 8:00 pm

1545 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, USA

Sara Saberi